


Did you ever browse through my store and thought of this product or that product or maybe that other one that you wish you could get but you need to wait a little?

Now, you can create your own wishlist among the products in my store. Once you have a wishlist, you can refer to it when you suddenly are richer (yeah, we can wish, can’t we?) or when there is a sale.

Just go over to my store, browse as much as you want, and just “Add to my wishlist” on any element that you would like. I will keep an eye on your lists and the content of everyone’s wishlist might help me determine what kind of products i should add to the store, what types of product i might want to put on sale sometimes, and you never know… customers with a real interest in my store, setting up their wishlist might also get some … surprises! So go ahead, and create your wishlist.