
CT call with a twist (for PSP scrappers only)


Creation Cassel and Scrapdragon Designs are seeking a small CT/Promo team to create artwork using kits and PSP scripts and other products. This is a shared CT position and you will receive products from both designers.

Your requirement being 1 layout per 2 products received, 1 from each designer.
We will require posting in 4 galleries. NDISB, Escape & Scrap, Do It Digi and DST.
You may post in any other galleries of your choice.

In addition, mention our products in ISO threads at DST, enter reviews in our stores
and promote our products on your Blog and/or Facebook/Twitter.

Please drop us an email if you require more information.

If you are interested in applying, here is what we need from you:

1. A short bio with your name, email, and a little bit about yourself
eg: What is your favourite scrapping style? Tell us what inspires
you, what you love, what you hate and what you feel really
passionate about.

2. Links to at least 2 of your most populated online galleries.

3. A link to YOUR own personal favourite layout and tell us why it is
your favourite.

4. Tell us what you like in a kit, and what would be your Go-To PSP Resource

Send this info either to [email protected]
or to Cassel at [email protected]
You will be contacted immediately to confirm receipt of your application
and you can expect a decision within a week or so.

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